Greetings all,
Just a few notes to hopefully help you in your journey to a career as a professional driver. When you are thinking about attending a truck driver training school there are some things you may not know to ask.
Does the school train with automatic or manual transmission trucks? If you are trained and tested for your CDL on a truck with an automatic transmission you will have a restriction on that brand new CDL that will only allow you to drive a truck with an automatic transmission. While that may not sound like a big deal, we have countless people who didn't know about this and went to another school now they are limited as to where they can go to work. So do some research before you enroll in a class.
In other news, the current class is doing great they are continuing to work hard daily towards their goal of earning their CDL. The last class as all of our past classes have moved on into jobs some have even become business owners now.
In other news our online classes have proven to be of great value to our student population as they prepare to attend face to face classes. Not only do we offer permit preparation course we offer the other Federally mandated courses on line as well.
We provide CDL testing on site to our students which is an added value with DMV wait times remaining at an all time high.
You have choices where you attend classes so select wisely before you commit to a school.